© Brig Simplon Tourismus AG
Due to current weather events, there may be closures and diversions on the hiking trails. On this page you will find information on the condition of the Stockalper Trail and trail diversions.
DIVERSION «Bachtschugge»
Due to a landslide in the “Bachtschugge” area, part of the Stockalperweg between Schallberg and Mittubäch is currently impassable. Additional rock, which can come loose at any time, makes it too dangerous to walk on.
Schallberg – Talweg Ganter – Simplonpass
Take the Postbus to the «Schallberg» stop. The hike follows the Ganter valley path to the old and new Ganter bridge. With a length of 12.6 km, this variant is only 300 metres longer than the original route of the ViaStockalper Brig-Simplon Pass. In Rothwald, about halfway through the hike, you pass two restaurants (Ganterwald and Schutzhaus). Light option: It is also possible to start the hike from the «Eisten, Ganterbrücke» bus stop.
Distance: 12.6 km / Ascent: 1062 m / Descent: 380 m / Duration: 4h 40min
Rothwald, Schutzhaus – Simplon Pass
Take the Postbus to the bus stop «Rothwald, Schutzhaus». The hike starts with the descent towards Mittubäch, where you will join the Stockalperweg to take the ascent to the Simplon Pass. This variant takes you around 5 kilometres.
Distance: 5.1 km / Ascent: 474 m / Descent: 219 m / Duration: 2 hours

bus stop «Schallberg»
bus stop «Eisten, Ganterbrücke»
bus stop «Rothwald, Schutzhaus»
In the “Engi” area, stones and debris are released during precipitation, triggering small to medium debris flows. These can reach the national road / hiking trail. For this reason, the section “Engeloch” to “Maschihuis” cannot be hiked in the event of precipitation. Please observe the signposting and information on site.
We suggest the following alternatives:
Hiking variant
Start the hike on the Simplon Pass and follow the Stockalperweg to the bridge in the direction of “Chluismatta”. Cross the bridge and follow the road for a few metres. Walk past the houses on the hiking trail in “d’Stelli”. A few minutes before the hamlet of “Egga”, turn back onto the Stockalperweg to reach Simplon Dorf.
Postbus option (if the pass road is open)
Walk along the Stockalperweg from the Simplon Pass to “Engeloch”. The “Engeloch” Postbus stop is just a few metres from the hiking trail. Take the Postbus one stop further and get off at “Maschihüs”. The Stockalperweg runs just a few metres from the bus stop.